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Eau Propre | Proper Water :: The BOOK


From digging for water to drinking rain

[Creative Coommons 3.0, Brussels, june 2013]

Ball This booklet recounts a 2 year journey from digging for own proper water to drinking rain water. In doing so it shares insights, but also very practical knowledge about filtering water, as well as objects that will be available (also for others) to use like the "ProperWaterPavilion", the "Pacco-test" or the "City Mine(d) TAP".
Many individuals and collectives played a crucial part in the story, because they illustrate the crucial role of social relations in interventions in public space.
Three authors with a long track re-cord in water related activities, describe the past (Michel Bastin - Etats Généraux de l'Eau à Bruxelles, Maelbeek dans Tout ses Etats) and the future (Dominique Nalpas and François Lebecq - EGEB) of water in Brussels. A description of collapsing infrastructure illustrates their points.
The booklet is not the end point of the journey. Because different parts continue, it is more a stop along the way, and by putting it in writing a way of sharing the experience and opening the debate to a wider group.

Available online in our boutique, at City Mine(d) offices or in Brussels Bookshops (Maelström, Passa Porta, Sterling Books, Tropismes, Wiels Bookshop, ...)

265 pages, bound, 17cm x 11cm x 1cm, Fr-Nl-Eng

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City, Water, North-South, Common Good, Public Space, DIY, Experiment, Social Innovation, Democracy, Solidarity, Open Source, Participation, Urban Governance


City Mine(d)

Eau Propre | Proper Water by City Mine(d)
is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Belgium License

Creative Commons License
