

filter water quality

tag: filter

Filter System Pavilion 2.0 (2013)


The Proper Water Filter system

The filter set-up that survived drinking quality tests is a combi­nation of pre-filtration already taking place in the storage tank, and a collection of four micro-filtration (membranes with pores of 5 and 0.1µm) and ultra-filtration (membranes with pores between 0.1 and 0.01µm) filter heads that last for about six months.

Storage tank: the captured rain water is stored in a 300 litre PVC (UV resistant) tank. Water flows from the drainage pipe through a sieve, so the water arrives in the tank at a slower speed in order to avoid stirring up the particles at the bottom of the tank. The pump sucks up water 15cm below the surface, so as not to pull in small floating leaves or branches.

filter 1: 5µm membrane = blocks sediments and parasites

filter 2 : active carbon granules (GAC) = absorbs chlorine and active components

filter 3 : 1µm membrane = blocking colloids an organic macro-molecules

filter 4 : active carbon powder (PAC) + ultra-filtration = removes viruses, bacteria and cysts, further reduces chemical pollution and improves taste, aspect and odour.






City Mine(d)

Eau Propre | Proper Water by City Mine(d)
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